Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Even if there is no man-made global warming, is it

"We've got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing, in terms of economic policy and environmental policy. " - Timothy Wirth, Senator, D-Colorado

Interesting that they are already admitting that they are wrong. It reminds my of the fallacy of Myth#4, and now they are making the claim that the Sun is cooling and this is what is causing climate change.

But they would be wrong on both counts. The solution isn't more government control, it's giving more power to the free markets so people can make the best choice on what products and services are the greenist.

No, no, and no. The ends do NOT justify the means. Pushing bad science, even to advance a "good cause," is not a noble, or even honest action.

Wow. So this is where global warming alarmists are at now? On the edge of admitting the theory of global warming is incorrect? People are finally starting to think with their heads...

You are trying to convict scientists based on a politician's hypothetical statement. You have reached new lows.

Once it is revealed that it is a lie even those who bought off on it will be appalled and no longer believe anything said about saving our environment.


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