Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Do Scientist

that is my question.

Nope - It's just SWAG (Scientific Wild A** Guess)

There is no relationship between co2 and climate

Scientists don't know anything for sure. That's the nature of science. It's always provisional, looking at new evidence to see if the theory has to change. That's the strength of science, and it's also the reason some people are uncomfortable with it.

However, the evidence is continuing to show that global warming will continue unless we do something about it. But what? That's what no one really knows yet. If we change our lifestyles, will it help? Can we do something else? Should we?

No they do not. They are just quite confident that it will based on scientific assessment of the currently available evidence and understanding of physics. If you insist that they be certain, you will have to wait a very long time and that time may never come.

Every theoretical understanding of nature carries with it a degree of uncertainty, this issue is no different. What makes it different are the political overtones.

The Green house affect... but, personally... I just think it's something that the world will continuously do... cycle... If we can have an Ice Age then why not a Heat Age...???

I think it is just a cycle. Everything in nature works in cycles.

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