Friday, July 9, 2010

Why are people in such denial about our dependence on farmers?

We deny how the changing weather is affecting farm food production now.

We deny how the population is growing yet farmland is not.

We deny how all dead civilizations grew and declined according to their food supply.

And we still think of farmers as backward and unintelligent.
Im not sure We do with the advent of Corporate Farms taking over the Family Farms, the Hick thing is no longer a concern. What is a concern is all of the chemicals theyre pumping into the ground in order to squeeze out just a couple more bushels of grain. The continued growth of the fields by removing trees that protects the topsoil from blowing away. That is where the backward and unintelligent thing comes into play. Its not real intelligent to poison the ground that is serving you well, and to remove the trees leaving the topsoil unprotected is down right stupid did they not learn anything from the Dust Bowl days?

We dont deny that the weather is changing, however; some do dispute or deny that it is a man-made thing. It matters little man-made or not, it is changing and WE need to admit that fact and take measures NOW to prepare for the worst (see my tree removal statement).

We do not deny how the population is growing yet farmland is not hell, some countries are setting limits on how many children people can have (China for one). We here in the U.S. havent noticed the overgrowth of the population because we have so much open land here. People living in Europe are however feeling the crunch.

Im not even sure we deny how dead civilizations grew and then declined according to their food supply (or lack there of) I agree that some just are not paying attention. It seems that the human race as a whole, is self-destructive. We look for the quick fix, rather than a long-term solution to issues facing us. We are slowly killing our planet thus, slowly killing ourselves.
I have a huge amount of respect for farmers. Were fortunate to live out in the country and are surrounded by farmland, all the farmers round here are wonderful people who work incredibly hard and provide a vital service. I wouldnt have a bad word said against them.

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